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Showing posts from September, 2020

Your All-Purpose Guide to Understanding Online Assessment

Reading Time: 7 minutes An assessment cycle helps you formulate a plan to teach the students. This plan will help you effectively teach and monitor whether the outcomes are according to the plan or not. An online assessment will help you understand whether the student has successfully learned and absorbed all that you taught. How can assessments help? Assessment […] from SoftwareSuggest Blog Read more: Your All-Purpose Guide to Understanding Online Assessment

12 Easiest Ways To Generate Leads for a SaaS Product

Reading Time: 7 minutes Effective Marketing of products these days is a lot different from what it used to be. Customers do not buy products just by looking at the advertisement. Instead, they research products and choose the ones that fulfill their exact requirements.  If you want to generate more leads, you have to do a lot more than […] from SoftwareSuggest Blog Read more: 12 Easiest Ways To Generate Leads for a SaaS Product

HubSpot vs Salesforce vs Zoho: An In-Depth Comparison of Top CRMs

Reading Time: 5 minutes With over 610 CRMs available in the market, it becomes difficult to pick the right one for your business. If you are looking at the top names, you must have come across HubSpot, Salesforce, and Zoho.  These three CRMs offer highly-valuable features for all sizes of businesses. However, each Customer Relationship Management has its own […] from SoftwareSuggest Blog Read more: HubSpot vs Salesforce vs Zoho: An In-Depth Comparison of Top CRMs

Don’t Move to the Cloud Without an Up-to-Date CMDB

Reading Time: 3 minutes There is a tremendous increase in the number of companies moving to, spending for, or adopting cloud technologies. This trend is all set to stay here per industry experts. Gartner predicts that public cloud revenue will grow by 6.3% in 2020, driven by an increasing focus on agility, efficiency, and automation. However, some caution should […] from SoftwareSuggest Blog Read more: Don’t Move to the Cloud Without an Up-to-Date CMDB

Manufacturing ERP Modules and Their Impact on Productivity

Reading Time: 5 minutes The demand for the Enterprise resource planning system within the manufacturing industry has increased significantly with the growing need to improve floor efficiency for quicker delivery and to reduce the costs of products and services.  Manufacturers view ERP modules as a means to pursue digital transformation and gain a competitive edge. Manufacturing ERP modules automate […] from SoftwareSuggest Blog Read more: Manufacturing ERP Modules and Their Impact on Productivity

ATS vs CRM: Which Works Best? 

Reading Time: 5 minutes Filling vacant positions is the top priority for the HR department. With over 70% of the workforce consisting of passive candidates, organizations are using advanced tools to simplify the recruitment process.   Talent Acquisition is much more than posting job ads and shortlisting candidates. Statistics suggest that a vacancy costs the average company $500 a day. […] from SoftwareSuggest Blog Read more: ATS vs CRM: Which Works Best? 

Smart Practices To Build A Powerful Outbound Calls Strategy 

Reading Time: 6 minutes Outbound calling is a game-changer for organizations. It can change the way you engage with your customers and boost sales. 9% of all outbound calls result in successful conversions. So, in a nutshell, we need to realize that traditional marketing techniques, such as cold calling, will never go wrong! Let’s delve a little deeper and […] from SoftwareSuggest Blog Read more: Smart Practices To Build A Powerful Outbound Calls Strategy 

CAD vs AutoCAD vs SolidWorks: A Quick Guide

Reading Time: 4 minutes Whether you are a designer or an employer looking to hire a designer, you must have come across terms like AutoCAD and SolidWorks. These are the software used by architects or designers to visualize the object ideas in their minds.  The objects are then built based on those drawings. Earlier, the drawings were done by […] from SoftwareSuggest Blog Read more: CAD vs AutoCAD vs SolidWorks: A Quick Guide

Challenges a Resource Management Software Can Solve

Reading Time: 5 minutes COVID-19 has led to a steep rise in the number of remote working employees. In these challenging times, workforce motivation and customer satisfaction are a top priority. The same organizations are taking measures to keep their employees and customers satisfied. However, achieving both requires crystal clear strategies and proper resource allocation. A KPMG study suggests […] from SoftwareSuggest Blog Read more: Challenges a Resource Management Software Can Solve

Importance of Knowledge Management in Your Business

Reading Time: 3 minutes “If HP knew what HP knows, we would be three times more productive.” – Lewis E. Platt, former CEO at Hewlett-Packard Living in a knowledge economy makes knowledge management one of the modern company’s most valuable assets.  As per a study, 80% of employees are frustrated at the inability to access a former colleague’s institutional […] from SoftwareSuggest Blog Read more: Importance of Knowledge Management in Your Business

10 Essential ERP Skills that Required for ERP Professionals

Reading Time: 5 minutes It can be tough for an ERP professional to look for work, especially during these trying times. With interviews lined up, developing a special set of skills adhering to just ERP looks like the way to go. So while formatting your resume and speaking with hiring managers during the interview, it is equally important to […] from SoftwareSuggest Blog Read more: 10 Essential ERP Skills that Required for ERP Professionals

ERP for Logistics and Distribution Companies : A Definitive Guide

Reading Time: 6 minutes Logistics management is an intricate web of complex activities. It involves managing the supply chain, freight, transport, warehousing, storage, and more. It is always susceptible to various changes, market uncertainties, and cost fluctuations. Let’s explore how enterprise resource planning solutions for logistics can help. What is an ERP system? An ERP system creates a centralized […] from SoftwareSuggest Blog Read more: ERP for Logistics and Distribution Companies : A Definitive Guide

ERP Facts and Statistics 2020: Market Trends, Data and Analysis

Reading Time: 5 minutes Enterprise resource planning systems are now considered in the list of basic requirements for the management of a business. From planning to managing, it is used in core manufacturing services, financial processes, and much more in an organization. Today in our blog, we will discuss the ERP Facts and Statistics that you need to follow […] from SoftwareSuggest Blog Read more: ERP Facts and Statistics 2020: Market Trends, Data and Analysis

Sales Force Management: A Definitive Guide

Reading Time: 5 minutes Businesspeople and enterprises in today’s technology-rich world have access to relevant data on predictive information to improve their sales teams’ performances.  To remain on top of the game, sales professionals and sales managers implement advanced sales force CRMs and sales force management systems to reach out to their customers head-on. What does this mean? It […] from SoftwareSuggest Blog Read more: Sales Force Management: A Definitive Guide

Interview with Samir Mehra Vice President, Device42

Reading Time: 4 minutes With automation and asset management quickly turning into a necessity, many organizations today want to take the big leap of automating their processes and gaining better control over them. However, many of them have to back out simply because they lack the requisite tools and infrastructure for making such a crucial move. While conventional automation […] from SoftwareSuggest Blog Read more: Interview with Samir Mehra Vice President, Device42

Human Resources Costs: Measuring and Classifying

Reading Time: 5 minutes Human resources tend to have a major impact on overall organizational costs. However, not all HR expenses tend to be predictable. In this post, we will help you unravel some of the common drivers of Human Resources costs and how to classify as well as measure them at the same time. As per a recent […] from SoftwareSuggest Blog Read more: Human Resources Costs: Measuring and Classifying

Structuring the HR Department: A Detailed Guide

Reading Time: 7 minutes Do you know $550 billion is the price companies pay for disengaged employees annually?  Miscommunication between management and employees acts as a major roadblock to a healthy organizational structure and leads to heavy losses. These problems arise when an organization lacks structure in its Human Resources department or doesn’t have one. Looking for Human Resources […] from SoftwareSuggest Blog Read more: Structuring the HR Department: A Detailed Guide

How Single Leg MLM Plan Works and Its Features

Reading Time: 4 minutes The popularity of MLM business is on the rise. It works in favor of those who are looking for means to earn passive income.  Multi-level marketing, or MLM, is a business that runs through network marketing, direct selling, and referral marketing.  It involves selling products or services via a network of distributors.  The more people […] from SoftwareSuggest Blog Read more: How Single Leg MLM Plan Works and Its Features

A Beginner’s Guide to Crowdfunding MLM Plan

Reading Time: 5 minutes One of the most challenging parts of starting a business is finding financial assistance. People nowadays look for investors’ support to start and grow their business. Some people have great business ideas but no money. Similarly, there are people looking for ways where they can invest their hard-earned money for good returns.  This is where […] from SoftwareSuggest Blog Read more: A Beginner’s Guide to Crowdfunding MLM Plan

How Collaborative CRM Can Help Improve Customer Satisfaction Level

Reading Time: 7 minutes The success of any business largely depends on the quality of their customer service.  A CRM (or customer relationship management) helps you establish a long-term relationship with your customer by keeping your sales pipeline organized.  Whether you are in sales, marketing, or customer service, a CRM system plays a crucial role in enhancing work productivity.  […] from SoftwareSuggest Blog Read more: How Collaborative CRM Can Help Improve Customer Satisfaction Level

8 Best Legal CRM Solutions for Better Client Relations in 2020

Reading Time: 7 minutes In this article, I am going to share the top eight CRM solutions for legal firms that will help you build better client relations.  Keeping track of your sales leads, clients, and prospects can make you lose hours every week. This unbillable time adds nothing to the profit. There is also a chance that potential […] from SoftwareSuggest Blog Read more: 8 Best Legal CRM Solutions for Better Client Relations in 2020

Top 15 Network Marketing Tips for Guaranteed Success

Reading Time: 6 minutes “What’s the best home-based business opportunity in the world today? Without a doubt, it’s network marketing. Like it or hate it, network marketing has created more millionaires than any other industry in history.” – Kevin J. Donaldson Network Marketing.  How often have you been puzzled by this phrase or wondered about how to make your […] from SoftwareSuggest Blog Read more: Top 15 Network Marketing Tips for Guaranteed Success

Startup Interview with Lev Bannov, Founder & CEO at ONLYOFFICE

Reading Time: 5 minutes The advent of office productivity suites have really transformed the terrain of business communications over the past decade. Besides simplifying communications, it has also saved time and resources for many around the globe, paving the way for better understanding and collaboration. Thanks to the development of such software, our interactions today are way smoother, safer […] from SoftwareSuggest Blog Read more: Startup Interview with Lev Bannov, Founder & CEO at ONLYOFFICE

How to Estimate Construction Cost in a Software?

Reading Time: 4 minutes To thrive in the construction industry, mastering the skill of bidding is of utmost importance. It is the only way to secure contracts for building projects. What is Construction Bidding?  A construction bidding is a process of offering the potential client a proposal to manage or build a structure. The proposal, also known as tender, […] from SoftwareSuggest Blog Read more: How to Estimate Construction Cost in a Software?

All You Need to Know About Mortgage Loan Origination Process

Reading Time: 5 minutes Mortgage origination is the process a borrower follows to apply for a home loan. It also involves all the steps leading the borrower to get keys to the home. What are the steps involved in the mortgage loan origination process? The mortgage loan origination process involves many steps before you finally get keys to your […] from SoftwareSuggest Blog Read more: All You Need to Know About Mortgage Loan Origination Process

4 Steps for Knowledge Management Process and Its Implementation

Reading Time: 3 minutes Every business relies on data. The success of a business always depends on how well they can convert the data into valuable information. This information must be strategically converted to knowledge and used in crucial decision making. Research suggests that the global knowledge management market will grow to $1,232,000 million by 2025. As we can […] from SoftwareSuggest Blog Read more: 4 Steps for Knowledge Management Process and Its Implementation

How Knowledge Management System is helpful for your Business?

Reading Time: 4 minutes Businesses create, share, process, and communicate knowledge in various ways within their team and with their customers. Automation tools make this process easy. A set of automation tools designed to manage all the stages of knowledge management is called a knowledge management system. These systems help businesses share, access, and utilize knowledge efficiently. Thus, these […] from SoftwareSuggest Blog Read more: How Knowledge Management System is helpful for your Business?

How Knowledge Management Benefits in Customer Service?

Reading Time: 4 minutes With 40% of customer interactions only on the web, companies are reporting measurable reductions in phone inquiries. Knowledge management systems are helping employers work on advanced programs while keeping customer satisfaction as a priority.  With a KMS in place, organizations can solve customer queries faster and without burning out employees. Moreover, customers may provide some […] from SoftwareSuggest Blog Read more: How Knowledge Management Benefits in Customer Service?

Problems in Real Estate Business Solved by CRM System

Reading Time: 5 minutes Customer relationship management (CRM) tools tackle plenty of issues across multiple industries. The real estate industry is no exception to this. Being a high capital investment industry, real estate businesses suffer heavily from mistakes that can be avoided through effective customer engagement and data management. CRM systems offer solutions to these exact issues. Research shows […] from SoftwareSuggest Blog Read more: Problems in Real Estate Business Solved by CRM System

How to Create Result-Driven Digital Marketing Funnel?

Reading Time: 7 minutes Digital Marketing Funnel: The Definitive Guide 2020 A digital marketing funnel helps you define the. strategies to drive high-quality traffic to your website and acquire new customers lets marketers identify gaps and opportunities in their current marketing processes. Marketing funnels also help identify customers’ needs and allow you to reach them with the right marketing […] from SoftwareSuggest Blog Read more: How to Create Result-Driven Digital Marketing Funnel?

Image SEO: Things to Consider for Your Visual Search Strategy

Reading Time: 12 minutes Visual searching has been considered as one of the lesser-discussed forms of searching online. And yet, digital marketers have been using it for quite some time now. A visual search strategy can help marketers build their brand on various popular search engines and social media platforms, including Pinterest, Bing, Snapchat, Amazon, and Google. So let’s […] from SoftwareSuggest Blog Read more: Image SEO: Things to Consider for Your Visual Search Strategy

ONLYOFFICE Review: Create, Edit & Collaborate on Your Business Documents Online

Reading Time: 8 minutes When we talk about office suites, the first thing that comes to mind is Microsoft Office. Yes, we all have a de facto relationship with Microsoft Office. 😉 But, let’s be clear – it’s not the only choice for your word processing, presentation, and spreadsheet needs. Whether you want local or cloud-office functionality, there is […] from SoftwareSuggest Blog Read more: ONLYOFFICE Review: Create, Edit & Collaborate on Your Business Documents Online

أفضل برنامج للموارد البشرية لعام2020 في دول الخليج

Reading Time: 5 minutes 1. Sage اولًا شركة ساجي هي شركة رائدة في السوق والتكنولوجيا في مجال أنظمة المحاسبة والمرتبات والدفع المتكاملة ، والتي تدعم طموح رواد الأعمال وبناة الأعمال. واليوم ، يقيس بناؤو الأعمال النجاح في العلاقات القوية والشراكات والمجتمعات. هذا هو السبب في أن ساجي يساعد في قيادة شركات الأعمال اليوم مع أكثر البرامج الذكية والدعم والمرونة […] from SoftwareSuggest Blog Read more: أفضل برنامج للموارد البشرية لعام2020 في دول الخليج

Reasons to Shift your Payroll Operations up in Cloud Payroll Software

Reading Time: 3 minutes It's a well known fact that payroll management is often perceived as a bane to the ever-burdened HR department. The seemingly unending list of hurdles faced by an in-house payroll department eats up valuable time that can be spent on other core HR activities. from SoftwareSuggest Blog Read more: Reasons to Shift your Payroll Operations up in Cloud Payroll Software

Leadwick Review: An All-in-one Lead Generation Software

Reading Time: 8 minutes 61% of marketers say generating traffic, and leads is their top challenge. True, finding, and converting leads isn’t an easy job. However, with a lead generation software, getting quality leads isn’t that hard either. Before getting started with the review, let’s quickly understand what is a lead generation software, its benefits, use cases, and why […] from SoftwareSuggest Blog Read more: Leadwick Review: An All-in-one Lead Generation Software

10 Reasons Why an Employee Time Tracking Software is Important?

Reading Time: 4 minutes Though employees are always focused and dedicated towards their work, it is a company’s responsibility to keep a check on their work graph regularly. It is important for them to know whether the work is done properly or not, deadlines are met or not, and much more.  However, sometimes these details are ignored and it […] from SoftwareSuggest Blog Read more: 10 Reasons Why an Employee Time Tracking Software is Important?

Why these 10 are the Best CAD Software for 2D and 3D Computer-Aided Designs?

Reading Time: 5 minutes The global CAD market is expected to reach $9 billion by 2022, with a healthy CAGR of 2.4%. This growth seems evident as product engineers and architects are readily using computer-aided design to launch their products with increased speed and efficacy. The right CAD system, therefore, is critical to the success of product engineers and […] from SoftwareSuggest Blog Read more: Why these 10 are the Best CAD Software for 2D and 3D Computer-Aided Designs?

Most Valuable Resource Scheduling Softwares

Reading Time: 7 minutes Proper resource management and planning is the key to business growth. Project managers and other top-level executives already have a lot on their plates. But resource management planning need not be painful, especially when there are various tools available.  Resource scheduling software is a tool that helps make effective use of existing resources, keep an […] from SoftwareSuggest Blog Read more: Most Valuable Resource Scheduling Softwares

Justworks vs Gusto vs BambooHR: A Comprehensive Comparison Guide

Reading Time: 5 minutes Organizations worldwide are using Human Resource software to improve employee experience, make better decisions and cut costs. With 53% of HR professionals believing that a smooth onboarding experience increases employee engagement, it is essential to pick up the right HR software. However, there are several software in the market which makes it difficult for organizations […] from SoftwareSuggest Blog Read more: Justworks vs Gusto vs BambooHR: A Comprehensive Comparison Guide

Top 6 Payroll Software for Recruitment Agencies

Reading Time: 5 minutes Who doesn’t love payday?  Everyone does except for the payroll administrator.  Payroll management is a complex and intricate process. It can be even more challenging for recruitment agencies since they tend to deal with multiple companies and different types of employees such as full-time and part-time employees, contractors, and freelancers. Ensuring timely and accurate payments […] from SoftwareSuggest Blog Read more: Top 6 Payroll Software for Recruitment Agencies

Odoo vs SAP vs Oracle ERP- A Comprehensive Comparison Guide

Reading Time: 5 minutes 53% of businesses consider Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software a priority investment. Originally built for manufacturing operations, ERP systems have expanded to serve a wide array of industries and businesses.  ERP helps organizations integrate all facets of a business including product development, manufacturing, marketing, and sales.  Not only multinational companies but even small and mid-level […] from SoftwareSuggest Blog Read more: Odoo vs SAP vs Oracle ERP- A Comprehensive Comparison Guide

Startup Interview with Mr. Chiranjit Singha, Founder at LeadWick

Reading Time: 3 minutes Lead generation is the key to business growth today. The better your reach, the higher your business growth. Thankfully, we have lead generation tools and software available to ease the process. However, not all are created equal. Some come with high price tags, whereas others offer limited access to features and functionalities. But that is […] from SoftwareSuggest Blog Read more: Startup Interview with Mr. Chiranjit Singha, Founder at LeadWick