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Employee Engagement And Performance Management As A Powerful Combination

If your employees aren’t performing well at work, it’s all because of employee disengagement. The best way to deal with this situation is effective performance Management and if that is done correctly, it will be a direct driver of employee engagement.

Three Key Drivers of Engagement

1) A well-defined goal for the employee. In other words what is expected out of them

2) How is the task assigned to the employee in accordance with the mission of the organization?

3) A proper feedback to let the employee know he is on the right track.
performance system

Employee Engagement and Performance Management: A powerful combination

Performance Management System will make sure that your employees are dedicated to the organization's operation while employee engagement is all about developing a culture where employees feel excited and satisfied with their work. Both of these functions work simultaneously, and their ultimate aim is to reach individual, professional and overall company goals.

Managers should realise the importance of this power couple and start implementing strategies that make a difference on an organisational level. Engaging employees even before they are hired, appreciating them, acknowledging their achievements, recognition through various awards and certificates, and helping them identify and work on weaknesses are some of the techniques that can make the performance Management process smarter, faster and better.

There can be a myriad reason for employee disengagement but the biggest of all is untimely and useless feedback. The companies that fail to appreciate their employee or provide them a proper feedback will soon notice a growing apathy in their manpower. This reason is obvious- without having insight on their current performance, employees will have no clear idea on where they are going wrong and what steps can be taken to improve it.

A performance Management software can assist in this situation. Using this you can easily draw out feedback as and when required and can immediately receive support and collaboration. This feedback can come from one to one meetings or group discussion or monthly meetings where ideas can be exchanged and employees can discuss their current approach, the targets achieved, where they are lacking and the areas for improvement.

Encourage your employees to participate in team building activities and other social events. Promote sharing ideas, suggestions, and improvements by asking for feedback. A work environment where employees feel valued and heard is critical to employee engagement.



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